Prostitutes Are Better Than Australian Shock Jocks
Faruque Ahmed has been daring Nazi of Sydney Radio Jim Ball and Gutless Mike Jeffreys and few more shock jocks to debate and discuss any issues at anywhere! Unfortunately, these gutless wonders do not have any courage to accept the challenge. Generally speaking these shock jocks and spin doctors hide behind telephone operators and four walls and then they incite against Aboriginals, migrants, Arabs and Muslims based on prejudice and bigotry rather than facts and evidence!
The toothless and deliberately kept impotent Australian Communication and Media authority including the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board hardly prosecuted these venomous raw sewerage canals known as commercial media outlets!
Recently, a racist and fascist radio station’s program director wrote a letter to Faruque Ahmed. This half a page letter was full of lies and grammatical errors! Yet, Peter Brennan displayed the audacity by falsely accusing poor English of Faruque Ahmed after twenty years valiant contribution!
One must wonder why people of Australia trust a prostitute more than a journalist and shock jock!
Anyway, Faruque Ahmed is inviting shock jocks, spin doctors and tabloid trash operators to challenge him in the following links operated by American Pauline Henson called Newt Gingrich.
Faruque Ahmed is also challenging them to debate about the infamous Northern Territory Intervention.
Robert Spencer praises Newt's intellectual leadership in identifying threat of radical Islam
Video: America at Risk: Camus, National Security, and Afghanistan
Newt says WTC mosque construction is a "political act" on NY1 News
Newt Gingrich Statement on Proposed Mosque/Islamic Community Center near Ground Zero
--- In, "Biplobi Faruque"
Shock Jock Lead Politics in Australia
For more: Shock Jock Lead Politics in Australia
Australians were forced to fight other peoples' war before and after Gallipoli. Naturally the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan based on totally false and fabricated reasons and grounds are a sad indictment for Australia. Political leaders, media barons and elite power brokers made these decisions without proper debate or discussions inside or outside parliament. Virtually they black mailed our nation towards many immoral, illegal and un-winnable wars. In short, people who are pushing our nation in wars outside Australia and not in defense of Australia are worse than this silly Sheikh Haron.
Lately, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told us that instead of depending on USA and UK we must be self sufficient in defense.
Recently, Australia bought self combusting, carcinogenic, fuel guzzler 45 years old Abraham Tanks and stationed them at Northern territories! Unfortunately, NT roads and bridges are not capable to handle these 70 ton monsters!! M1A1 ABRAMS TANK AGREEMENT SIGNED documents are somewhat unclear to some critiques.
The corporate media do not allow free discussions about the infamous Northern Territory Intervention. Similarly, they have derailed the Climate Change Debate.
Most people know that something wrong with the climate and they would like to do something about it. However, they are not getting a clear leadership in this issue as most of the scientists are silent and shock jock and spin doctors are distorting the truth. “The Chief Scientist of the World” Alan Jones, “God Munk”, Tony Abbott basically told us that the climate change is a crap!
These right wing gangsters’ racist, sectarian and xenophobic poisons are inciting one group against other groups. Even they are removing elected Prime Minister!
They are doing so by manufacturing consent and opinion, silencing the debate, distorting facts and murdering free speech.
These shock jocks and spin doctors of are carbon copy of each other. They are satisfying their corporate masters’ profit and greed at the expense of public, notion of justice, fairness and all other cherished values known to mankind.
Mobile: 041 091 4118, Email:
Friday, August 13, 2010
Radio 2UE Conspiracy
For more: Radio 2UE Conspiracy
P O Box – 349
Alexandria, NSW – 2015
Mobile: 041 091 4118
Mr. Peter Brennan
Program Director
Radio 2UE
Level 1, 170 Pacific Highway
Greenwich NSW 2065
Fax - 02 9930 9479
Re: Mike Jeffreys of 2UE (Monday night, Tuesday morning, July 27, 2010)
Dear Mr. Brennan
As I said in my previous letter, your predecessor’s letter of 9 September 2009 was full of lies. Your letter of 10th of August 2010 is also full of lies!
Unfortunately, I believe that the ACMA and similar authorities will believe your lies without any examinations as they did earlier!!
However, to expose your blatant lies, I dare you to present transcripts of my conversations with producers such as Mark Kennedy, Dale Sinden, Dave, … .
Just for the record, I have been calling and speaking on your station for the last twenty years! Suddenly you have discovered that my accent is not comprehensible!! Anyway, what about my factual emails with corroborative evidence provided to your shock jocks? Why have they failed to read my emails and correct the false and inaccurate reporting and commentaries on your station?
Sincerely Yours
August 12, 2010
Mike Jeffreys of 2UE (Monday night, Tuesday morning, July 27, 2010)
P O Box – 349
Alexandria, NSW – 2015
Mobile: 041 091 4118
Mr. Greg Byrnes
Program Director
Radio 2UE
Level 1, 170 Pacific Highway
Greenwich NSW 2065
Fax - 02 9930 9894
Re: Mike Jeffreys of 2UE (Monday night, Tuesday morning, July 27, 2010)
Dear Mr. Byrnes,
I refer to your letter of 9 September 2009. This letter was full of lies. Yet, your blatant lies were accepted as the Gospel truth by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. As a result, your former shock jock Jim Ball got a better paid job and he have been inciting against many ethno religious communities with new enthusiasm! Most importantly, many of your shock jocks became “expert of Islam and Muslims” and they have been inciting against many ethno-religious communities based on blatant lies, prejudice and bigotry! They also do not provide any right of reply to their victims. I and many of my friends can provide you with plethora of evidence in support of my statement should you require.
In your letter of 9 September 2009 you said, “…I encourage you to call in to express a differing point of view …". You know that your statement was based on blatant lies! I have also discovered that your statement was a deliberate lie and cruel hoax!!
As I mentioned in “Mike Jeffreys of 2UE” below, I made six phone calls and patiently waited for four and half hours to talk to Mike Jeffreys in order to set the record straight but he denied me that opportunity by using all dirty tricks and techniques in his disposal. He was not the first and last one to engage in this type of ugly business and Jeffreys had done so in many times before.
Generally speaking, your shock jocks insult and attack Islam and Muslims based on totally false and fabricated materials including Salman Rushdie, Ershad Manji, Ayaan Hirshi Ali, Norma Khoury and many other puppets who are aided and abetted by the Zionist groups!
Your shock jocks ignore:
What Was The Status of The Mosaic Women?
What Was the Position of the Christian Church re Women?
What Was The Status of The Indian Women?
What Was The Status of The Athenian Women?
What Was The Status of The Roman Women?
What Was The Status of The Scandinavian Women?
What Was The Status of The British Women.
They also do not want to know:
Status of Women in the Holy Quran
The Economic Aspect of Women in Islam
The Social Aspect of Women in Islam
The Legal and Political Aspect of Women in Islam
You see, over the last thirty years, 99.96% of European terrorism came from non-Muslim sources! Yet, far too many people thinks, may be a Muslim terrorist is hiding under the bed!! This outrageous distortion is the result of deliberate prejudice and bigotry against Muslims incited by the media outlets and other instrumentality like your one.
Osama bin Laden! Guilty or Innocent?, (Who Invented) Osama bin Laden to Slaughter the Arabs and Muslims and USA Must Quit Afghanistan Now are a few relevant discussion points we are not allowed to discuss in your radio stations. The Illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq, Iraq: A War For Israel, Iraq pullout would hurt Israel and With or without 9/11 American Terrorism in Iraq was conspired before 9/11? are taboo materials.
We are also not allowed to talk about What Do You now About The Northern Territory Intervention? and Taxi Mafia Inspired Blockade (Radio 2 UE)!
Just for the record, a few non-Muslims:
1. Had sex with their daughters and made babies!
2. Had sex with their sons!!
3. Attempted to rape their mum!!!
And I can add more in the list. However, the Muslims are not jumping up and down or crucifying the non-Muslims for these offences. However, the Muslims are under attack all of the time based on totally fictitious reasons and grounds!
Many people express many outright lies about Islam and Muslims without any restraint. Most importantly, your shock jocks do not provide us a right of reply to rectify these anomalies! That’s why we do not hear any Muslim or opposing voices to set the record straight in your radio station! On top of these ‘conspiracies’, we also hear some Muslim name callers making cunning’ anti-Muslim statements without any verification!!
I can assure you that you can’t use lies like, “Muslims hate us and they do not call us”. Look at me! I made six attempts in one night and I have wasted four and half hour of my valuable time to find out your radio station’s well oiled conspiracy against Muslims and other ethno-religious groups! It happened in many many times and some of them were recorded.
I therefore would like to ask you
1. Why did you lie to me in your letter of 9 September 2009?
2. Why do your shock jocks allow anti-Muslim vendetta all of the time?
3. Why do your shock jocks do not provide any right of reply to Muslims?
4. When and how are you going to stop these anti-Muslim vendetta, prejudice and bigotry emanating from your radio station?
Sincerely Yours
Mobile: 041 091 4118, Email:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
For more: Mike Jeffreys of 2UE
Every Tom, Dick and Harry is the “expert of Islam” as Islam and Muslim bashing is the most spectacular sports in the town! Most importantly, people like you can say any false and fabricated materials against Muslims. You can also allow other people to say anything against Muslims. It appears that you don’t have to give a tight of reply to your victims i.e. Muslims. Probably for that reason many Muslims do not call your program or may be not getting a chance to express their views in the first place! I have spoken to you a few more occasions despite your unwillingness. However, you did not have anything against me on air when I spoke to you. Nonetheless, last time you kept me waiting and then failed to talk to me for reason well-known to you!
Today, at about 1.20 AM I made two attempts to call you but both of my calls were rejected. Then I used a different technique to call you and it was answered straight away! The producer spoke to me and he asked me to wait for some reason, possibly to frustrate me and dissuade me to call the station. Anyway, after an expensive waiting and when I realised that I was coned; I used another technique to make contact to your station. Very easily I spoke to your producer. He took my name and phone number for the second time.
However, I could not express my point of views to your station tonight and many other nights despite a low traffic of phone calls! It is interesting to note that your station manger falsely wrote me in another occasion assuring me that I am welcome to call back to the station and no one discriminates anyone! Your and earlier actions of Stuart Bocking clearly demonstrating the fact that you do discriminate people because of their sex, race, religion and ethnicity! You also do not have the courage of conviction to debate any issue freely.
Disgustingly yours
Mobile: 041 091 4118, Email:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
May I suggest you to examine these links below before making a judgment and join in anti-Muslim euphoria!
A. Should 99.96% Muslims Be Involved in Terrorism
B. Women! Why Do You Attack Islam?
C. 1.5 Million Americans converted to ISLAM in USA
Should 99.96% Muslims Be Involved in Terrorism
Islamic Terrorism is not senseless and brutal as some media outlets and governments would like us to believe. They also failed to include 72 virgins in their reasoning. However media outlets and western spin doctors have established 72 Muslim virgins as more than gospel truth! Even the most popular "Houri" which is similar to Christian and Jewish concept do not point out towards naked Islamic Terrorism!
Islamic records are more peaceful and constructive to many other groups. Yet, Muslims are blamed for almost everything including terrorism! According to official records, over the last thirty years, 99.96% terrorism came from non-Muslim sources in Europe and 94% in USA. During the same period 7% terrorism came from the Jews including the Jewish Defense League. Yet, everyone treats the Jews as saints!
1. `Muslim Terrorists' Anthrax Attack was not an Islamic Terrorism.
2. Europol Report: All Terrorists are Muslims¦ Except the 99.6% that Aren't
3. All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94.% that Aren't
4. RAND report: Threat of homegrown jihadism exaggerated, Zero U.S. civilians killed since 9/11
5. The Gujarat Train Fire was an accident and NOT Islamic Terrorism?
6. Do You Know a Muslim Terrorist Might be Under Your
We have plenty of incidents where Muslims are guilty before even being charged like Sheikh Haron and Dr. Mohammad Haneef!
Despite the overwhelming evidence and records, virtually the whole world is blaming the Muslims for everything! So, in order to match plethora of reckless allegations should the Muslims be committing 99.4% terrorism to match the allegations and ill motivated against them?
Remember, no one can be charged twice for the same offence according to double jeopardy!
Women! Why Do You Attack Islam?
For more: Women! Why Do You Attack Islam?
The issue of gender equity is important, relevant, and current. Debates and writings on the subject are increasing and are diverse in their perspectives. The Islamic perspective on the issue is the least understood and most misrepresented by non-Muslims and some Muslims as well. This article is intended to provide a brief and authentic exposition of what Islam stands for in this regard.
Status of Women in the Holy Quran
The Economic Aspect of Women in Islam
The Social Aspect of Women in Islam
The Legal and Political Aspect of Women in Islam
Women in Ancient Civilizations:
One major objective of this article is to provide a fair evaluation of what Islam contributed toward the restoration of woman's dignity and rights. In order to achieve this objective, it may be useful to review briefly how women were treated in general in previous civilizations and religions, especially those which preceded Islam (before 610 AD). Part of the information provided here, however, describes the status of woman as late as this century, more than 13 centuries after Islam.
What Was The Status of The Mosaic Women?
What Was the Position of the Christian Church re Women?
What Was The Status of The Indian Women?
What Was The Status of The Athenian Women?
What Was The Status of The Roman Women?
What Was The Status of The Scandinavian Women?
What Was The Status of The British Women
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