Jews Are Inviting Their Own Miseries
Please add these two items too!
"In everything, we are destroyers--even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief...We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands." - Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, pages 152, 155, and 147.
"We Jews have spoiled the blood of all the races of
--- In, "Biplobi Faruque"
Jews Are Inviting Their Own Miseries
Israeli submarine in the Iranian water while Israeli Terrorism in the International Water Continues only a few more reasons to substantiate my earlier position!
--- In, "Biplobi Faruque"
Re: Jews Are Inviting Their Own Miseries
Aren't you Jews trying to bring WW3?
How are you going to prove that these comments were not correct?
"We Jews are going to bring war on
"The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism." - The
---In, "mechelsamberg"
Re: Jews AreInviting Their Own Miseries
When all else fails, blame da Jooz.
--- In,"rabbiforpalestine"
Re: Jews Are Inviting Their Own Miseries
I have concluded earlier that the Jews are suffering from superiority and inferiority complexes and they are responsible for2800 expulsions from more than 2800 places and all other miseries came on them before! I also conclude, they will be suffering endless punishments due to their brutality, dishonesty, prejudice, bigotry, manipulation, deception and other crimes!
--- In, marc chauvette
Re: its a place that have no name
So I guess that oneness that you praise in this post, does NOT include Jews. You make me laugh with your ignorance and bigotry.
--- In, "Jodie"
Re: its a place that have no name
Thanks for your nice post. A good time to offer such words of wisdom.
--- In, "Jodie"
Re: Don't you think it's time to GROW UP
Oops, I must have hit a raw nerve. Sorry "Hon." But of course, that's your prob, and only you can deal with it.
--- In,"mechelsamberg"
Re: Don't you think it's time to GROW UP
It must suck to be inferior. Tell me honestly, how does it feel?
--- In, "Jodie"
Re: Don't you think it's time to GROW UP
Oh, my hon... You do have a bad case of mistrust and of bringing too much attention to yourself... tut tut....
I really do hate to break the news to you, but the subject of "Jew "rarely comes to my mind... especially in my daily thoughts or conversations with others (outside this group). What makes you think you (Jew) are that important ??
Is the subject of "Jew" your main source of interest?? Hon, you really have to get off that and think of some thing else. Do you have a pet ?? I have a big black cat with white belly and paws. He weighs 16 lbs. and his name is "Boots." He likes for me to scratch his belly. Right now he is trying to sit in front of the puter...... ghk.. Guess I'll go......eytyi]h-]\,,,,,,,
--- In,"mechelsamberg"
Re: Don't you think it's time to GROW UP
So are you teaching your little grand-kids not to trust Jews like a good little Jew hater?
--- In, "Jodie"
Re: Don't you think it's time to GROW UP
How condescending of you !! Hilarious !! I'm beginning to think you are a female... !! Really, hon... There just aren't that many Jews in my area of north
Still laughing...
Re: Don't you think it's time to GROW UP
Gee, hon. And you don't that the stupid remarks here are offensive to Jews? How very white of you to have one token Jewish friend.
--- In, "Jodie"
Re: Don't you think it's time to GROW UP
I am a little old 115 lbs. , 76 year old Grannie. I have 3 grown kids, all married, and 3 grand kids whom I babysit after school.
I have one very nice Jewish friend in my life, but I don't know any KKK members in this part of
About 8 years ago, a bunch of Jewish guys came into FAN and tried to take over the group. They cursed me and other members and called us filthy names, and would not leave the group. I complained to Yahoo Groups, who sent a Yahoo staff member to our group to observe for 3 days. Those filthy mouthed guys (and some females) suddenly became so shy that they couldn't think of anything to say to the few of us that remained !! The cowards left FAN and never came back !!
If you or others would like to read any of these related posts, they are still in the archives... waaay back, 8 years ago. "mechelsamberg" might even be one of them !! ?? When you came into FAN with a smart ass attitude, you brought back some bad memories.
Do you have anything constructive to offer ??
--- In,"mechelsamberg"
Re: Don't you think it's time to GROW UP
Since you've made so many friends, can you recommend someone who does a good job of cleaning and pressing your sheets for those Jew hating KKK meetings that you attend?
--- In, "Jodie"
Re: Don't you think it's time to GROW UP
"mechelsamberg" ,
You say you are in 263 groups ?? You counted them ?? You can find a group that will accept your hatred and unfriendliness ?? One cannot continually condemn and criticize and expect friendship in return.
I have been in this group (and 2 others) for 10 years and have made many friends. Yet, you purposely have tried to provoke rather than make any attempts of kindness or friendship.
This ignorant does not know
--- In,"mechelsamberg"
Re: Don't you think it's time to GROW UP
You must be shitting me. This is one of the most HATEFUL groups that I am in and I am in 263 groups.
--- In, "Biplobi Faruque"
Gas Chamber for "Jews"
Beside barbaric records of "Jewish" cults based on prejudice and bigotry, manipulation and deception, everyone knows that they should be inside the gas chamber. I have spoken with people from
Governments of those countries know about these genuine feelings! In order to suppress these outbursts, they have enacted `laws' to muzzle people in 7 European countries i.e. Denial of Holocaust (?) is a punishable crime. However, the funny part is that they do nothing about the ongoing Israeli Holocaust in the occupied
In nutshell, the "Jewish" cults were expelled from more than 2800 places in more than 2800 times. King Arthur hanged three hundred "Jewish" Household heads from the high tower for very good reasons. Hitler had the right idea.
Gas chamber is waiting for them.
And I say, dirty Jews stop lecturing us and find your way to the gas chamber where you belong.
--- In, "mechelsamberg"
Re: Our Enemies, The Israelis... When will the
Yeah, I once had a Christian and also an atheist give me the wrong change in a store so now I NEVER trust any Atheists or Christians. Do you even realize how ignorant your remark is?
--- In, "Biplobi Faruque"
Re: Our Enemies, The Israelis... When will the
Good idea!
I have decided to ignore insanity and profanity of Bruce. He failed to add any value in any debates and discussions.
--- In, "mujahidsolanorgv"
Re: [freeamericanow] Re: Our Enemies, The Israelis... When will the
Jews found a home in the
Re: Our Enemies, The Israelis... When will the
As I made it clear in many times including Thespeech of Faruque Ahmed at the Teachers' Club in Honor of Ms. Haneen Joabi MPthat all human beings are equal! However, the gas chamber bound peoples' superiority makes me mad.
--- In, "mechelsamberg"
Re: Our Enemies, The Israelis... When will the
It depends on the atheist. Jew hating paranoid Zionist conspiracy retard freaks are not be trusted either.
--- In, "Jodie"
Re: Our Enemies, The Israelis... When will the
I have always disliked, and mistrusted the Jews !! When I was a young girl, I worked for a Jewish couple in a jewelry store. The first thing I learned is that a Jew will cheat you anytime he can. You have to get up early to outsmart Jew !! In college I became a history buff, including Jewish history. The Jews have a dark, tragic, and yet highly successful history. They have given much to history and mankind, and yet have the tendency to turn around and cheat it !!Go figure !!
--- In,"Biplobi Faruque"
--- In, "Jodie"
Re:Our Enemies, The Israelis... When will the
--- In, "bruce"
I hope you trust athiests!?
Cheers Bruce
--- In, "mechelsamberg" mechelsamberg@wrote:
Kind of like why Jews can NEVER trust Xtians. You know, Spanish Inquisition,the Crusades, pogroms, the Holocaust, blood libels, etc etc.
--- In, "Jodie"
... Jodie
Our Enemies, The Israelis
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